



“… In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength

… blessed are those who wait for him!”

Isaiah 30:15, 18b

A contemplative soul care retreat is the practice of pulling away from our normal everyday activities to rest, be still, and be present before God. From the beginning, God created rhythms of rest, and Jesus Himself often retreated to quiet places to pray (Mark 1:35).


In the midst of the busyness of ministry, Jesus recognized his disciples’ weariness and beckoned them, “Come away with me to a quiet place and rest” (Mark 6:31, MSG). Today, Jesus continues to call out to us, “Get away with me and I’ll teach you how to take a real rest” (Matthew 11:28, MSG).


You don’t need a lot of resources or nice facilities in order to take a spiritual retreat. What is most needed is a willing heart. From time to time, we need the company of hospitable friends who would dig a hole in a roof to help clear a path for us to Jesus (Mark 2:1-12).


We often pour out from a place of deficit, and sometimes we do not know how to slow down because of our culture of hurry, efficiency, and productivity. Getting away to retreat and be with God is not a luxury—it is an essential practice for Christians. Regardless of how long the retreat may be, the most important thing is that there is space to set time apart with God in a way that “restores your soul” (Psalm 23:3).


Through guided retreats with others in community, one has the space to truthfully “pour out our hearts” and say “my soul waits in silence for God alone” (Psalm 62:1, 5, 8). Retreating is a way to listen to your soul, rest, restore and discern God’s guidance and invitations in all of life.


Contact me if you are interested in scheduling a guided soul care retreat for your church, ministry, staff, or organization.